YLab x VicHealth | Reclink Youth Engagement Interview Consent Form

This is a consent form for Reclink staff participating in interviews to understand and document the ways you have been engaging and consulting with young people through the Future Active program. If you have any questions or need relating to this, please contact Lorraine Roberts via lorraine.roberts@ylab.global.



My story, image and voice is my own and I give permission to the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) to collect information about me as part of YLab and VicHealth's 'Understanding Reclink's Approach to Youth Engagement' project by:

  • Interviewing me online
  • Taking an audio recording of me
  • Taking video footage / film of me

Use and Sharing

I decide how other people use and share my story, image and voice. I agree that the information collected from me may be used by FYA:(Required)
I agree that the information collected from me may be shared:(Required)


More information about how FYA collects, uses, stores and discloses personal information, and how you can correct or make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information, can be found in our privacy policy: fya.org.au/privacy
