
Our 2021-23 Strategy

We've adopted a bold new strategy to shift the power of young people in Australia, beat injustice, and transform the future. Because if there is ever a time to back young people to create change, it is now.

Our 2021-23 Strategy

Our 2021-23 Strategy

We've adopted a bold new strategy to shift the power of young people in Australia, beat injustice, and transform the future. Because if there is ever a time to back young people to create change, it is now.


Centering young people in Victoria’s future

This submission highlights the challenges of how young people are represented and included in Australian media, and the need for more funding and fact checking to support reliable news reporting.

Putting young people in the national conversation

This submission highlights the challenges of how young people are represented and included in Australian media, and the need for more funding and fact checking to support reliable news reporting.

Secure, safe and meaningful work

This submission raised concerns with the Australian Government’s proposed changes to the Fair Work Act that would re-define casual employment, undermine the Better Off Overall Test, take away overtime for part-time workers and leave young people exposed to wage theft.

A liveable income for all

The proposed rates of JobSeeker and Youth Allowance are below the poverty line - young people are entering a difficult labour market post COVID-19 and we need effective and sustainable job creation to address un/underemployment and the climate crisis.

Online job services that work for young people

FYA and the Tomorrow Movement highlighted the move to online job services has a number of risks for job seekers, and there needs to be adequate protections in place to ensure they are not adversely affected by this shift.

2019 Annual Report

Take a look at this snapshot of our 2019.


Centering young people in Victoria’s future

This submission highlights the challenges of how young people are represented and included in Australian media, and the need for more funding and fact checking to support reliable news reporting.

Secure, safe and meaningful work

This submission raised concerns with the Australian Government’s proposed changes to the Fair Work Act that would re-define casual employment, undermine the Better Off Overall Test, take away overtime for part-time workers and leave young people exposed to wage theft.

Online job services that work for young people

FYA and the Tomorrow Movement highlighted the move to online job services has a number of risks for job seekers, and there needs to be adequate protections in place to ensure they are not adversely affected by this shift.

Putting young people in the national conversation

This submission highlights the challenges of how young people are represented and included in Australian media, and the need for more funding and fact checking to support reliable news reporting.

A liveable income for all

The proposed rates of JobSeeker and Youth Allowance are below the poverty line - young people are entering a difficult labour market post COVID-19 and we need effective and sustainable job creation to address un/underemployment and the climate crisis.

2019 Annual Report

Take a look at this snapshot of our 2019.