
Our 2021-23 Strategy

We've adopted a bold new strategy to shift the power of young people in Australia, beat injustice, and transform the future. Because if there is ever a time to back young people to create change, it is now.

Our 2021-23 Strategy

Our 2021-23 Strategy

We've adopted a bold new strategy to shift the power of young people in Australia, beat injustice, and transform the future. Because if there is ever a time to back young people to create change, it is now.


POLL: The impacts of COVID-19 on young people across Australia

This national opinion poll conducted by Essential Research on behalf of FYA in 2020, revealed the urgent need to put young people at the centre of the COVID-19 recovery.

Our commitment to reconciliation

In 2020, we developed a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to support the national reconciliation movement and improve our own cultural awareness and competencies. The RAP has been developed by an internal committee, consisting of both staff and Board representation.

Our governance policy

The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) Board is committed to, and responsible for, the highest standards of accountability, transparency and governance.

Our terms of reference

These Terms of Reference should be read in conjunction with the Governance Policy and the separate Terms of Reference for each Board Sub-Committee.

Our constitution

FYA is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is governed by an elected Board of Directors who oversee our policy, direction and governance. Our constitution spells out the details of this in practice.

Missing: young people in Australian news media

Missing: Young People in the Australian News Media outlines how the media can work with young people to improve their representation.


POLL: The impacts of COVID-19 on young people across Australia

This national opinion poll conducted by Essential Research on behalf of FYA in 2020, revealed the urgent need to put young people at the centre of the COVID-19 recovery.

Our governance policy

The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) Board is committed to, and responsible for, the highest standards of accountability, transparency and governance.

Our constitution

FYA is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is governed by an elected Board of Directors who oversee our policy, direction and governance. Our constitution spells out the details of this in practice.

Our commitment to reconciliation

In 2020, we developed a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to support the national reconciliation movement and improve our own cultural awareness and competencies. The RAP has been developed by an internal committee, consisting of both staff and Board representation.

Our terms of reference

These Terms of Reference should be read in conjunction with the Governance Policy and the separate Terms of Reference for each Board Sub-Committee.

Missing: young people in Australian news media

Missing: Young People in the Australian News Media outlines how the media can work with young people to improve their representation.