Feedback and Complaints Policy
This policy was last updated in February 2025
The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) values receiving feedback about our work. If we have not acted in the right way, it is important we are told about this. Receiving feedback and complaints means we can correct our mistakes, work to improve things we need to do better, and celebrate when we have done something well.
This policy explains:
This policy applies to people who engage with FYA or the programs we deliver. This includes children, young people, program participants, parents, guardians, family members, communities, partner organisations, supporters, funders, and members of the public.
This policy does not cover any feedback, grievances or complaints that FYA employees, volunteers or contractors have. The Internal Complaints Policy covers these groups of people.
Other policies cover the following topics:
You can find the Feedback and Complaints Policy, as well as the policies in the list above, on the FYA website If you would like a printed copy, please contact us using the details on our website at
You can tell us about anything relating to our work. This includes:
You can provide feedback or make a complaint in these ways:
So that we can address the issue effectively, please provide as much information as you can. This may include:
We encourage you to share your identity when contacting us, because it will mean we can ask you for more information if we need it, and we can keep you updated about how we are handling your report.
However, you can provide feedback or make a complaint anonymously if you prefer. You can do this by phone, on our website, or by sending us a letter.
The person who receives your feedback or complaint will add the details to a confidential Feedback and Complaints Register. They will do this within one business day of receiving your report.
The Executive Director Engagement and Operations will review each report, and assess what needs to happen next. They will consider:
○ This person will have relevant knowledge and expertise in the area of the complaint e.g. lived experience
○ If necessary they will get advice from someone outside of FYA.
Every report received will be reviewed by at least one other senior team member, to make sure it is addressed appropriately.
All reports involving the Executive Director Engagement and Operations will be assessed by the CEO.
If you have provided your contact details, we will respond to you within 10 working days to let you know how we will address your feedback or complaint. We will respond faster if the matter is serious or urgent. You can tell us if you do not want to receive updates, and you can change your mind anytime.
Any reports classified as serious will be reported quickly to the CEO and Chair of the Board.
IMPORTANT: There may be situations where, due to the type of issue you are telling us about, we need to report it to someone outside of FYA. This will happen in serious situations, such as reports of illegal behaviour, discrimination, or health and safety concerns.
If your report relates to the safety of a child or young person, we will follow the Safeguarding Policy.
If you are not happy with how we have handled your feedback or complaint, you can write to the CEO to explain why. You can contact them in these ways: ● By email to
Depending on the type of issue, you can also contact:
We will consider and learn from all the feedback and complaints we receive. This will help us improve how we work.
We will make sure all FYA staff understand how to receive and record feedback and complaints, and what happens to the reports we receive.
Every quarter, the CEO will review the feedback and complaints register to make sure all reports have been recorded and addressed appropriately.
The CEO will report quarterly to the FYA Board on the number and types of feedback and complaints received. These reports will be made on a ‘no names’ basis, to maintain the confidentiality of the people and matters raised under this policy. The CEO’s report will identify any trends, and the things we are doing to improve. This could include reviewing our policies and procedures, providing training to the FYA team, or changing how we do our work.
Everyone is able to give feedback or make a complaint
We will make our policies and procedures:
You can choose how you want to give feedback or make a complaint. We will take all reports seriously.
Your safety and wellbeing is a priority
FYA exists in a society where power and oppression exist. We will work to address this and not reinforce or add to it. We will do this by making sure the most appropriate person handles your report. We are committed to being an organisation where everyone feels they can speak up without being worried they will get in trouble or be harmed.
We will communicate clearly with you
We will keep your details confidential
If you provide your details, we will only share them with the people who need to know them so they can handle your report.
If we need to share your details with someone external, we will let you know why we need to do this.. You can also make an anonymous report.
We will learn from what you tell us
We will consider and learn from all the feedback and complaints we receive. This will help us improve how we work.
The Executive Director Engagement and Operations will monitor this policy on an ongoing basis to ensure it is compliant with legislation and FYA operating procedures.
The policy will be reviewed every three years, or earlier if required. Any major changes to this policy will be approved by the Board.