Individual photography
Anyone and everyone (or a legally authorised representative) FYA interviews, photographs or films must give their free, enthusiastic, and informed consent for us to do so.
We are asking if you are comfortable with us using your photo in content as part of First Nations Governance Group.
If an individual doesn’t want their image used they absolutely don’t have to provide consent.
Before publishing any interviews, photographs or films all staff must share the content for approval with the participant.
Large groups and events
When filming or photographing people in public spaces or at large events, consent is not legally required from people whose faces are close up and/or are clearly visible and identifiable.
However, wherever possible, FYA aims to seek informed consent from the group by either sharing this information prior, posting signage at events to alert people that we will be filming / taking photos and asking those who don’t wish to be filmed or photographed to let us know. If it’s not possible to inform all participants prior to capture, we seek to do so prior to publication.