Our Islands Our Home Campaign: Ailan Pawa Program


The Ailan Pawa program empowers young Torres Strait Islanders aged 16 to 30 to lead the charge in advocating for climate action from the government, strengthening our Torres Strait-led climate movement.

The program’s centrepiece is the annual two-day residential Ailan Pawa Youth Summit, which will take place in 2025 for the third time. This culturally safe space equips young people with the skills needed for climate justice, community organising, and impactful storytelling, making it the first summit of its kind.

The program’s vision is that Torres Strait Islanders can safely live and continue practicing their culture on their homelands for generations to come.

The movement-building goals are to establish a Torres Strait-led grassroots effort to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and support a just transition from coal, oil, and gas to a renewable energy future for all.



“Young Torres Strait Islanders feel passionate about protecting their homelands from the impacts of climate change. Culture is connected to the land and if the land is lost, Torres Strait Islanders will lose their culture that we have been practising for over 60,000 years. It is important to protect our future, and the future of our island homes.”

Our Islands Our Home